Jeff Nishimura
Day Wireless Systems
For the record, while Federal Licensing, Inc. may have a “Renewal/Modification Division,” the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) does not. We repeat – the FCC does not have a “Renewal/Modification Division.” We bring this to our member’s attention as another in a series of Federal Licensing, Inc. campaigns to secure monies from unsuspecting licensees may be found in a solicitation notice that speaks of dire consequences and the risks of substantial fines should the unsuspecting licensee targeted by Federal Licensing fail to renew their licenses on time, or worse, maintain an inaccurate license.
Unfortunately, this is easy money as it appears Federal Licensing has not seen the need to amend its original solicitation notice for over 25 years. In fact, the solicitation references an FCC bulletin from August 1, 1991 (by the way, at the time George H.W. Bush was the President!), that lists a baseline for FCC fines. Of course, the implied threat is if you do not use the services of Federal Licensing, you may receive fines for the following activities, among others – $8,000 for misrepresentation/lack of candor; $7,500 for failure to permit inspection; $7,000 for malicious interference; (Here’s a strange one) $4,000 for unauthorized discontinuance of service; and, $1,000 for failure to maintain required records.
Federal Licensing states that “a complete copy of this policy statement is available through Federal Licensing, Inc., upon request.” Why of course it is! Who else would need it?
The message here is the same as our last alert about Federal Licensing’s “Publication Division.” Be forewarned and suspicious of relying on organizations for your licensing needs that use fear tactics and threats of FCC fines based on an antiquated, 25-year old FCC bulletin.