Jeff Nishimura
Day Wireless Systems
Well, let it be officially noted that I was unequivocally in error drawing the conclusion in earlier blogs this year that Federal License Management, LLC is an alias created by Federal Licensing, Inc. In fact, as was communicated to me very clearly in a Cease and Desist request from the law offices of Jane Smedley Anzalone, Esq., the two organizations are not the same, not related in any form, have not dated one another, and don’t even like one another despite the amazing similarity of their corporate names and activities. So, I apologize if my earlier blogs caused any unnecessary confusion, heartaches, angst, alarm, or besmirched honor real or imagined.
For clarification, Federal Licensing, Inc. releases solicitations to licensees identified on the Federal Communications Commission’s ULS from a myriad of goofy sounding internal departments that are intended to sound like they are emanating from some mammoth federal bureaucracy. A Modification Division, a Publication Division, and a Renewal/Modification Division no less. Federal License Management, not to be confused with Federal Licensing, Inc., in its solicitations issues an Administrative Update – Modification Notice from an “Office of Compliance Administration.” Sounds terrifyingly official as well. It’s nice to see that both entities, however, include the “non-Governmental Agency” moniker of good housekeeping in very, very, very, very small print in the lower corner of their solicitation documents. Right where your eye will be drawn naturally.
One further point of clarification that was brought to my attention by Federal License Management’s counsel. They have moved from a UPS store to 175 Pine Street, Suite 104, Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Not to be confused with Federal License Management, Federal Licensing remains located at 1588 Fairfield Road, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The compliance administration business must be good these days.