Jeff Nishimura
Day Wireless Systems
In an ex parte filing late last week with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the Enterprise Wireless Alliance (EWA) again stated that neither the Washington County Consolidated Communications Agency (WCCCA) nor the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International (APCO) submitted sufficient justification that would warrant granting WCCCA’s waiver request to use Industrial/Business (I/B) 800 MHz channels in lieu of utilizing spectrum readily available for public safety use.
EWA stated that WCCCA had failed to explain why it needed six, rather than four, additional frequencies for testing purposes and to familiarize its team with the new P25 system. EWA also repeated its recommendation that the County replace the two I/B channels with two General Category (GC) channels. Since either approach would require an FCC waiver, EWA suggested that the FCC determine which would better serve the public interest, assuming waiver relief was appropriate. EWA’s filing included a technical analysis prepared by Lockard & White responding to the WCCCA argument that the GC channels would result in an unacceptable coverage loss because of combiner issues.
The Enterprise Wireless Alliance is an FCC-certified frequency advisory committee and leading advocate for business enterprises, private carrier operators, wireless sales and service organizations and private wireless equipment vendors. EWA provides spectrum acquisition strategies, frequency coordination, license preparation, license management and associated reporting services. Visit for more information.