David Reeves
P&R Communications
EWA filed comments today with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) responding to a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) that supported spectrum policies that would benefit incumbent 800 MHz licensees by providing a time-limited opportunity for such licensees to enhance their wireless systems prior to enabling new entrants in the 800 MHz Expansion and Guard bands.
Representing a broad alliance of business enterprise users, commercial service providers, radio dealers and technology manufacturers, EWA reminded the FCC that no non-public safety PLMR spectrum has been made available since 1986 when the 900 MHz band was released for Business/Industrial/Land Transportation (B/ILT) and commercial uses. EWA supported all of the positions proposed by the Land Mobile Communications Council (LMCC) in comments also filed today by that industry organization, particularly the point that allowing flexible, priority access to licensees “that have demonstrated an ability and commitment to deploying systems to meet critical communications needs clearly is consistent with the Commission’s obligation to serve the public interest.” In addition, EWA offered the following additional, progressive recommendations:
In other matters, EWA supported the expansion of conditional licensing to the 470-512, 800 and 900 MHz PLMR bands and to all eligible applicants notwithstanding unexplained prohibitions proposed by the FCC in the NPRM. And while the FCC proposed to add certain UHF channels that fall between PLMR and BAS spectrum and PLMR and GMRS spectrum to the Part 90 I/B frequency table, it rejected the inclusion of others because of potential interference or other issues. Again, EWA recommended that all the channels identified, including those not approved by the FCC in recent Orders responding to waiver requests, be added to the I/B allocation table, subject to generally-accepted frequency coordination protocols.
The Enterprise Wireless Alliance is an FCC-certified frequency advisory committee and leading advocate for business enterprises, private carrier operators, wireless sales and service organizations and private wireless equipment vendors. EWA provides spectrum acquisition strategies, frequency coordination, license preparation, license management and associated reporting services. Visit www.enterprisewireless.org for more information.