March 15, 2021
EWA Joins Group Suggesting 3.45 GHz Auction Framework
March 5, 2021
EWA filed Comments on March 3 in support of the waiver request from Illinois American Water Company proposing to share 800 MHz public safety frequencies licensed to the statewide STARCOM21 network and to access 700 MHz spectrum in that network on a...
January 21, 2021
The Enterprise Wireless Alliance (EWA) and Televate, LLC (Televate) have executed a formal agreement creating a strategic business alliance that will provide technical consulting services to EWA members with specific emphasis on broadband and...
January 14, 2021
The Enterprise Wireless Alliance (EWA) filed comments in response to a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that proposes to promote more intensive use of the 4.9 GHz band while creating possibilities that do...
January 13, 2021
On January 13, 2021, the Enterprise Wireless Alliance filed comments in response to a Federal Communications Commission proposal to open the 4.9 GHz band to greater sharing by turning management over the states which could lease spectrum to a...
December 28, 2020
In an ex parte filed December 28, the Enterprise Wireless Alliance requested that the Federal Communications Commission lift the freeze imposed upon T-Band licenses, given the passage of legislation that repeals the mandate to auction this spectrum...
December 28, 2020
More than eight years ago, in response to a misguided Congressional directive that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was to initiate a process to auction Part 90 Public Safety frequencies in the 470-512 MHz band by 2021, the FCC imposed a...
November 20, 2020
The Enterprise Wireless Alliance (EWA) is pleased to announce that Jeffrey Boadi, a student at Old Dominion University (ODU), will receive the EWA-Joseph B. Vestal Endowed Scholarship, which awards financial aid to a full-time student at ODU...
November 17, 2020
The Enterprise Wireless Alliance (EWA) filed Comments in response to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) which proposed to revise the agency’s application fee schedule. EWA noted that the current schedule...
November 17, 2020
The Enterprise Wireless Alliance (EWA) filed Comments in response to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) which proposed to revise the agency’s application fee schedule. EWA noted that the current schedule...
